Cousins in Finland

top row-Maija Latvala, Arja Bieber (one of our email cousins and Arja will be coming to America for the Hakanen reunion, July 2012. She came and also arranged for a cousin, Leena, and her family to come with the group. Leena is related on my grandmother Mary (Kivistö) Hakanen. Leena's great grandfather was grandma's older brother), Pentti Venna (Pentti and his wife came to the reunion too), Aulis Venna, Asta Wagoner, Elise Laitila, Jorma Rinta, Valkama Sinik.
bottom row- Leena Valkama-Wagner, Marita El0neio, Helka Koivisto (Helka and her husband will be coming to the Hakanen reunion, too), and Pirrko Leong (the other email cousin).

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