Waco, Arvid and Dad circa 1912

Waco (b 1908) left, was the first child of John and Mary Hakanen. Waco lived to age 78. He died in Titusville Florida in 1986. Arvid, their third son (b 1911) shown here in the center, lived only 13 months, he passed away July 29, 1911. and Sulo (b 1909) right, their second son (my Dad), was killed in a mine accident in 1944 when he was 35 years of age. My brother Dennie was just over a year old and I was 11 when our Dad, Sulo, was killed. Waco's widow, Isabelle, recently passed away at age 93, also in Titusville Florida. Waco is the English version of his name. In Finn it is Veikko.

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